levitra without prescriptionThe house we are catsitting has an impressive volume and breadth of books. Most of them are in French, of course, and lot of them are art books. One is called “12 mois sans “- wait, just burst into hysterical laughing as while looking at book title more carefully realize it is called interet, not internet, donc, interest, not internet, sub-titled a journal of depression by illustrator Claire Lepage.
There’s something delicious about the sub-title and my misinterpretation which had me fantasizing about giving up being on the web for 1.2 months ( a little compromise bargaining with the devil.) Mr. O was laughing saying I couldn’t go 12 minutes without the internet. We agreed to split the difference at 12 hrs. Gee, I wonder why it is I have a bad shoulder again?
I started this post thinking about how when we start to change something in our lives, there’s always a little negotiation at the beginning. “Well, I’ll just change this one thing”, for me it’s, “Well, I’ll do neck rolls every 20 minutes, sounds good”, or “Ok, I’ll start being aware of how stagnant I am sitting here, so every 40 minutes is good at the start”…and so on. Just like the great singer Peter Tosh said “Everybody want to go up to heaven, but nobody want to die”.
A concession here, a concession there. And pretty soon, no change has occurred, just a lot of bargaining. Good skill to have if you’re in the law business, not so great for personal growth I’m thinking.
I’m looking forward to the snowmaggedon that is on its way here as well. We’re well stocked up, I have holiday cards to write and knitting to pursue.