passwords that is. After upgrading to the latest and greatest version of wp, I also changed my passwords. Which, of course, I promptly forgot š I’ve got at least 30 passwords for different projects, purposes.
I need a new system.
I’m thinking something like sameword_#abc
where sameword is a unique word I always use and # is a number (for that alpha-numeric security stuff) and abc represents the project.
We’ll see how the new system goes.
Since that wordpress spamhack, I’ve gotten more paranoid about passwords. You tend to get lazy with it, and never bother changing them. It’s too hard to remember, and then something happens, and all your senses go on full alert. Kind of like losing weight. Or gaining, as the case may be, ahem.
You don’t really notice you’ve slacked off until your pants are a bit tight, and then a favourite pair is really too small, and it’s time to go back on the wagon. I’m mixing metaphors.
In my case, the exercise front has been sacrificed, not slacked, due to this lingering illness. But today when I was out for a walk, I thought, hmm, perhaps I should be exercising more, not less, it seems to help. I go to my doc on Friday. I’ll see what she says.