Consider Everything An Experiment
– Rule No. 4 : Sister Corita Kent (+John Cage)
That’s what this blog is — an experiment. Used to be a “technical” experiment – for testing out different themes / frameworks etc for website design / WordPress development. And now… it suffers from neglect.
Another three years. Lots of change.
April is the Kindest Month
Who turned it into 2019? 52 blog posts now*. “THEY” say in the 50-70 range you *might* start to see exponential traffic growth.
* (many were deleted so it’s hard to know how many in total since this near invisible beast has been chugging along)
July 2018
Back to Experimentation. See if anyone finds this blog despite its almost hidden status. Also —— Let Loose.
February 2016:
plus ça change
In other words, this blog still lingers. Despite it’s non-activity for what 5 years?, and it’s largely broken state, I leave it up. Marie Kondo would tsk tsk.
April 2013:
This blog is used for testing by moi.
Once upon a time I had designs of using it to express grand thoughts. Alas, time zooms by faster than Superman can fly. So, for now, this is it mon ami.
July 2010:
Time flies while you’re busy writing in your head. At least I took up and filled up 4 sketchbooks in that time period. So what if I never got this blog off the ground! Off with it’s head.
It will be used simply for testing purposes for now. WP 3.0 & Thesis 1.7 – not even custom styled yet. Just a place to try out mistakes so I don’t make them on any significant projects.
December 08:
Not yet about anything expect practicing writing a blog – even whilst loathing said moniker.
Previous thoughts about About below:
The balance between maintaining, growing and enjoying an art practice while running a beautique design business. A blog for Dia Media.
Thoughts about the web + graphic design industry, various technologies, what is this whole 2.0 thing about anyhow, and possibly digressions into reviews of Dr. Who or whatnot.
This blog is written by Mz D, principal of Dia Media. She noticed that maybe, just maybe, there are not yet enough blogs by women out there:) But we do have BlogHer.
[Oct 17 – disappointingly, only 16% of survey participants in Alistapart were women – proving my point that more ‘blogher’s are needed ]
As of the shameless late date of September 15th, and after the harvest moon, December 14th, this is still not officially public public yet. Target launch date: October 28th, 2008.
Coincidentally, same goal date for losing 10 lbs.