To do:
- Upgrade to 2.71
- Figure out why categories, widgets disappeared
- Worry that site was spammed and widgets gone as result
- Get profile pic for Twitter
- Add custom theme, or at least change default colour for Twitter
- Customize this theme.
by Deanne ·
To do:
by Deanne ·
or how I have x-ray vision and can see into all the buildings nearby and witness the very same slow death of the Yellow Pages as I can see here:
I don’t know the exact number of tenants, but there are 12 suites in this building. I took one of the yellow pages, primarily just to make sure our listing is correct. So, roughly calculated, that means 1/2 of the suites bothered to pick up the yellow pages this year. I’m not sure of the average age of the tenants either, but I believe it goes up by floor 🙂 At any rate, there are people in university and there are folks who are getting grey hair, mentioning no names.
If we’re still in this building next year, I predict that given the half-life of the yellow pages , these books might not even make it into the lobby…
by Deanne ·
Google had a birthday yesterday – it’s 9th – this is really hard to believe. We were there, back in the day, testing out google beta. Now google is virtually an empire. Or is that an oxymoron?
by Deanne ·
My first geek moment in a while.
Used Mac terminal to successfully upload this image. Cheers, mate.
Now, if you’re a programmer, you’re probably thinking, “how lame”, but hear me out. I can write some actionscript, which is OOP, and of course can hand-code HTML and css, (how can you promote web standards and not?), but I’m no programmer. I was first introduced to Subversion , while working on a client project. At first, it seemed like a big hassle, but I soon grew to love the simplicity of the command line mode.
Thus this moment, when I upload an image for the first time using one single, elegant and compressed line, is big. I relish it, and will look back with fondness at the newbie within.
Motto of the Day: Leave most stuff with the experts, but don’t be afraid to DIY (do-it-yourself)
by Deanne ·
Leaving this cliché here, as this blog will be full of clichés – albeit rich, juicy and cheerful ones.