First hit on youtube for this great song by Ariane Moffatt (just called Montréal – I always think of it by that bit of refrain).
Air Canada flight and general journey in brief:
- crying wee baby behind us (poor lass) bawling her head off for take off , landing and in-between. Her 2 yr old sister’s ears probably hurt and she joined in on the landing. feel for the parents – they are clearly wiped.
- guy beside crying baby drinks too much, falls asleep and starts sneezing uncontrollably for 10 or so sneezes. remarkably, doesn’t wake himself up.
- try to muster some sympathy for the dude as he got a little baby puke-up on him
- cab driver on way to flat is large chap from Haiti, cheerfully grooving to Neil Diamond and other such songs. He waves his hands (hopefully one is still on wheel) around, and I turn my head towards to the window to avoid looking at Mr. O otherwise would burst into hysterical laughter.
- lots of snow on ground, and cool
- the kitty kat here is being the most friendly we have ever seen her. 3rd time housesitting cat (first she had another chubby, lazy but beautiful cat whose name is now my nickname – sadly, cat passed away before we housecat again). GM is being playful, and purring her fur off. literally, all over black pants.
In short, life is sweet.
cheers et salut,
mlle d