My first geek moment in a while.
Used Mac terminal to successfully upload this image. Cheers, mate.
Now, if you’re a programmer, you’re probably thinking, “how lame”, but hear me out. I can write some actionscript, which is OOP, and of course can hand-code HTML and css, (how can you promote web standards and not?), but I’m no programmer. I was first introduced to Subversion , while working on a client project. At first, it seemed like a big hassle, but I soon grew to love the simplicity of the command line mode.
Thus this moment, when I upload an image for the first time using one single, elegant and compressed line, is big. I relish it, and will look back with fondness at the newbie within.
Motto of the Day: Leave most stuff with the experts, but don’t be afraid to DIY (do-it-yourself)